(9) Thouba

With the name of Allah, the Impartial, the Compassionate.

(9) Thouba

This Surath is named ‘Thouba’ (Repentance) from verse 117 which says that the repentance is accepted from the believing ones who had inclined their belief from the Straightpath. It is also named as ‘Bara’a’ (Freeing from the obligations) taken from the 1st verse: “This is the declaration from Lord Allah and His Messenger to free all the agreements you had with the Mushriks”. This Medina revealed Surath contains 129 verses. On Hijra 9th, a group of the believers went for Hajj (pilgrimage) under the leadership of Aboobacker while Messenger and about 30,000 followers went to Tabuk for defending the Roman army. The Romans had withdrawn their force from Tabuk even before Messenger and followers reached there. After camping one month at Tabuk, Messenger and followers returned to Medina. Verses 1-40 were revealed during Messenger’s return from Tabuk. So, through Ali, Messenger conveyed these verses to Aboobacker for declaring to the people on the Day of Arafa at Mecca.

Many hypocrites in Medina sat without following Messenger to Tabuk and Aboobacker for Hajj. They constructed Masjid Al-Dirar which was mainly for spreading hypocrisy, making disassociation among the believers and for giving a station for Abu Amir—the Christian priest from Khazraj Tribe who encouraged Meccan pagans as well Romans to fight against Messenger and believers. Lord Allah revealed verses to demolish that evil Masjid on the way of returning from Tabuk itself. On account of this, it is taught that believer can’t enter any Masjid where there is no learning and teaching Adhikr—the Guidance. The hypocrites and Kuffar who command evil and forbid good are transgressors. As they are not considering Lord as Impartial, their prayer, charity, and all other deeds will not be accepted; moreover, Lord intends to punish them by their children and wealth, and they perish as disbelievers. The believer shouldn’t pray or seek forgiveness for anyone among them even if they are his/her father, mother, children or any closed relative since their destiny is Hell. The believer also should do Jihad with Adhikr—Strong Weapon—against them and should behave harshly with them. Since hypocrites and their Mushrik followers are filthy, they shouldn’t enter the Sacred Masjid at Mecca. Not only that, but they are also to be killed if there is a group of true believers implementing the command of verses 5 and 123 of this Surath. Anyhow it will be implemented after the second coming of Jesus. Since there is no a group of believers anywhere in the world, this Surath commands the odd-believer to study Adhikr—the Real Knowledge—and to propagate It throughout the world aiming to form peace with the harmony of mankind and to postpone the emergence of Antichrist as well as the Dooms Day.