(Al-Anfal) 8 : 22
إِنَّ شَرَّ الدَّوَابِّ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ الصُّمُّ الْبُكْمُ الَّذِينَ لَا يَعْقِلُونَ

Indeed, the worst creatures near Lord Allah are the deaf and dumb who don’t utilize their intelligence.

The deaf mentioned in this verse is the Arabic Quran reading Fajirs. They have faculty of hearing, but they will not hear Adhikr as told in verses 18: 100-101. The dumb are the hypocritical transgressors who can speak attractively, but will not speak even any 40 names of Adhikr as explained in verse 4: 140. They are the Book reading Kafir as explained in verse 3: 7. Both hypocrites and their blind followers who are not utilizing the intelligence bestowed by Lord are the Mujirims mentioned in 52 places in the Book. They are serving Satan as explained in verses 6: 55 and 7: 40. It is told in verses 25: 33-34 and 17: 97-98 that “those who are deaf and dumb towards Adhikr—the Best Interpretation of Lord’s Book, they will be dragged prone on their faces into the Hell, those are in the worst place and they are the most strayed”. They are the worst creatures in the land as told in verse 98: 6. The Trust Adhikr is revealed to punish them as told in verses 33: 73 and 48: 6. By the second coming of Jesus, these worst creatures will be killed by ‘other-people’ of Messenger Muhammed’s community as told in verses 33: 60-61. While reciting verse 1: 7: “Not the path upon whom Your wrath has happened; and who gone astray”, the believer should pray by the soul for not to include among these deaf and dumb people. See explanation 2: 18, 166-167, 170-171 and 9: 28.