(6) Al-An'aam

With the name of Allah, the Impartial, the Compassionate.

(6) Al-An'aam

This Surath containing 165 verses were revealed all together at a time during the end of Messenger’s Meccan life and just before he migrated to Medina. The name of this Surath Al-Anaam (the cattle) came from verses 138-139 and 143-144. Meccan pagans considered some cattle as forbidden and some as permitted according to their whims. Revealing this Surath, the Three-Time-Knower Lord makes it clear to mankind what is forbidden and what is permitted.

This Surath emphasizes the Oneness of the Lord by countering the associating of others in the dominion of Him. By inviting the attention of people to the natural signs such as the sun, moon, stars, germination, plants, and cultivations, Lord emphasizes the presence of the Creator of the universe and the happening of the Day of Judgment. This Surath mentions more about Adhikr than any other Suras. This Surath warns that if Lord’s Book is not utilized and is not given to others, they are ruining none except themselves. Such wrongdoing people are not repudiating Messenger or believer, but are repudiating verses of Lord. A believer can only warn who hears Adhikr with the participation of the heart. All other Arabic Quran reading Fujjar are like the dead and Lord has made a lid upon their hearts and a veil upon their ears for them not to understand It. This Surath explains that Lord’s verses are explained to clear out the ways of Mujirims. This Surath warns that Lord’s Book Adhikr is the Reminder for the entire world, and if the bearers of It hide It from mankind, Lord will entrust It to other people who will not do so. Anyway, the Lord of the universe will spread His Speech throughout the world before happening the first of the Ten Crucial Signs of the Dooms Day. This Surath warns that Messenger and believers shouldn't obey Fujjar who are following conjectures. This Surath says that Adhikr is the Straightpath, so follow It and not follow other ways. This Surath warns that the human Satan and Jinn Satan inspire the inner chest of mankind with attractive words of cheating to follow the strayed ways of the forefathers. This Surath warns that whoever is turning away from verses of the Lord’s Book, will suffer evil punishment. The Messenger and the believer have nothing to do with Fujjar who are divided into different groups and have become Mushriks. This Surath commands Messenger and believer to follow Adhikr which is the way of life of the upright Ibrahim who was not among Mushriks. This Surath teaches that each soul is earning for its own, and no bearer of burden will bear others' burden on the Day of Judgment. Everyone should return to the Lord on the Day of Judgment, and then Lord will notify them of what they had been differing from the Book. This Surath concludes by saying that mankind created in Paradise is deputed to the earth to be undergone the test with whatever he/she has been provided with.