With the name of Allah, the Impartial, the Compassionate.
(59) Al-Hashr
This Surath got the name ‘Al-Hashr – The Gathering’ from the second verse, which says, “He is the One who drove out those who disbelieved among the people of the Book from their homes in the first gathering.” Since this Surath explains the exiling of Banu Nadir, a Jewish tribe that lived in Medina, in the fourth year of Hijrah, it is also known as Banu Nadir.
This Surath warns that those who disagree with Allah and His Messenger will face Allah’s punishment every time, as it is His practice. It also warns that the hypocrites who try to obstruct the propagation of Adhikr—the Balance and Trust to keep the universe in its equilibrium—will be humiliated. It teaches that believers should not hesitate to help other believers who are involved in the propagation of Adhikr, and that those who abstain from the covetousness of the soul will be the ones who prosper.
The hypocrites will be with the disbelievers both in this world and in the Hereafter. Since the hypocrites are aimless people, they fear the believers more than they fear Allah, the Creator. This Surath also warns that in the Hereafter, Satan will be free from the responsibility of making humans disbelievers. Those who do not transform their Jinn soulmate into a believer will be gathered in Hellfire with their soulmate forever.
Addressing the believers, Allah commands them to observe what they have earned for tomorrow—the Hereafter—and not to become transgressors by forgetting Allah. This Surath also emphasizes the necessity of propagating Adhikr—the Book for repeated reading—warning that if this reading had been sent down upon a mountain, the mountain would have become dust due to fearing Allah. The Surath containing 24 verses concludes with familiarizing the good Names of the Lord through the last three verses.