With the name of Allah, the Impartial, the Compassionate.
(58) Mujadila
This Surath, containing 22 verses, is named Mujadila (The Disputer) after the first verse, which mentions a woman disputing with Messenger Muhammad after her husband committed Dhihar—the practice of likening one’s wife to one’s mother. This Surath was revealed during the Madinan period of Messenger Muhammad’s life, along with Surath 33. It is the only Surath in which the name Allah is mentioned in every verse.
This Surath teaches that when a husband performs Dhihar, his wife does not become his mother and prescribes the expiation for Dhihar committed out of ignorance. It also warns that disbelievers who reject the verses of the Lord’s Book will face humiliation in this world and the Hereafter. Moreover, the hypocrites who engage in secret discussions and conspire against believers involved in propagating Adhikr will have Hellfire as their final abode.
This Surath provides a clear description of the hypocrites, who falsely swear by the Lord to prevent others from Adhikr, believing in their delusion that they can escape Allah’s punishment despite lying to Him. It warns that neither their wealth nor their children will benefit them in any way, and they will ultimately be the losers in both this life and the Hereafter.
The Surath concludes by stating that those who hold fast to Adhikr—the unbreakable Rope from Allah—are the true party of Allah, and they are the triumphant ones. They do not show politeness or softness toward those who oppose Allah and His Messenger, even if they are their fathers, mothers, or close relatives.