(56) Al-Vaqia

With the name of Allah, the Impartial, the Compassionate.

(56) Al-Vaqia

This Surah got the name Al-Vaqia (The Inevitable event) from the first verse which says ‘When the inevitable event happens’. This Surah was revealed in the middle period of Messenger’s Maccan life with the revelation of Surah 20.
This Surah informs that on the happening of the Day of Judgement, everyone will testify it. It is told in this Surah that those who are given Lord’s Book will be sorted in to three groups. In this Surah it is separately mentioned about the comforts and ranks the forerunners who will enter the Paradise without trial will get in the Paradise, and the favours and pleasures the believers who will enter the Paradise after trial (companions of the right hand) will get in the Paradise. It is warned in this Surah that those who will enter the Hell after trial (companions of left hand) will fill their bellies from the ‘Zakhoom tree’ and will drink the boiling water just like the thirsty camel drink the water, and will suffer different types of punishment.
This Surah commands the mankind to understand the aim behind the creation of the mankind by thinking about their own creation, germination of plants, water they drink without having any ingredients of salt, the source of the fire they use, etc. and thus commands to be ready to answer on the Day of Judgement about the life of this world after the age of fifteen. This Surah also warns that the Fujjar who make their food rejecting Adhikr-the Honorable Reading from the Lord of the universe-and consider Adhikr just like ointment applying on the skin are not identifying the soul and the aim of life so that they are the companions of left hand who will be roasted in the Hellfire. This Surah containing 96 verses ends by proclaiming that Adhikr is the confirming Truth, and commanding to glorify the Honorable Lord.