(55) Ar-Rahman

With the name of Allah, the Impartial, the Compassionate.

(55) Ar-Rahman

This Surah got the name Ar-Rahman-the Impartial-from the first verse which mentions Allah as the Impartial. It was revealed in the first of the middle period of Messenger’s Maccan life. When there was no one to accept the Message of Allah, Messenger Muhammed went to ‘Thwaef’, the native place of his mother expecting that the people of ‘Thwaef’ may be ready to accept It. But they didn’t accept It. Moreover, they chased Messenger by stoning at him and ridiculing him with the help of goons and scoundrels. Then becoming fatigued and tired, while Messenger was returning to Maccah, he rested at ‘Sailul Kabeer’ at ‘Nakhla Valley’. From there he was reciting this Surah in his morning ‘swalath’. As explained in verses 46:  29-32, then Lord Allah sent a group of Jinn (Sprites) to hear this Surah which is the only Surah in Lord’s Book addresses both the Jinn and Sprites together.  
The Impartial Lord deputed mankind to earth after teaching Adhikr-the Balance and Trust to keep the universe in its equilibrium-to live as the vicegerent of Allah by utilizing Adhikr, and to keep the universe in its equilibrium utilising Adhikr. It is the inevitable duty of mankind endowed with intelligence to transform his Jinn soul mate in to believer by utilizing Adhikr-the Food, Clothe and Sight of human soul. But only one in thousand believer fulfill this responsibility. When such believer is not else anywhere in the world, the water, air and atmosphere will become polluted by the hands of mankind which will cause to become the life in the earth very difficult and insufferable to thousand communities of Lord’s creatures as explained in verse 30: 41. Thus the structure of the earth will be changed and the earth may be slip away from its gravitational force, and thus the balance of the earth will be lost and it will cause for the destruction of the universe. By mentioning Lord’s Exaltedness, Mercy, Favors, Bounty, Signs, Power, Punishment, etc. it is asked through out this Surah addressing both the Sprites and mankind that which of the signs of your Lord you are rejecting. This Surah teaches that the Sprites who have also freedom to be grateful or ungrateful just like the mankind has, will be undergone for reckoning, and that they also will be partners in the punishment in the hell with the mankind who are endowed with intelligence. No mankind or Sprite can pass the boundary of the heavens and earth without the Proof Adhikr. This Surah also warns that on the Day of Judgement, no mankind or Sprite will be questioned about their offences, and that by holding their feet and fore-locks, they will be thrown to the Hell. This Surah having 79 verses ends by giving Glad Tiding that to the heedful who are utilizing Adhikr as the Balance and Trust, and are propagating It to the entire mankind aiming to postpone the lifespan of the universe have two Paradises having all blisses and pleasures.