And in the night, then you glorify Him, and while the retreatment of the stars.
‘Glorify Allah while the retreatment of the stars’ mentions about the swalath (prayer) at Morning. It is commanded through the verse 20: 14 to steadfast swalath to maintain Adhikr-Dhikree. Since there is no any group of believers anywhere in the world, as explained in the verses 7: 205-206 the odd believer is commanded to read Adhikr in all mornings and all evenings and to do single prostration of recitation, and to help the Lord of the universe by propagating Adhikr among the mankind, and to involve, help and induce others in organic farming and planting trees beneficial to 1000 communities of Lord’s creatures. He is also commanded to do jihad- strenuous strive-towards the hypocrites and Kuffar who do obstruction in the propagation of Adhikr which is the Speech of Three Time Knower Lord for entire mankind. See explanation 2: 162; and 9: 73.