Or have they any Deity besides Allah? Glory to Allah from whatever they have been associating!
Today the Fujjar who are uttering with their tongue ‘there is no Deity besides Allah’, but as explained in verse 39: 3 they are ascribing mediators and intercessors for Him by abstaining Adhikr-the Speech of Lord Allah. The scene of arguing, cursing and blaming among the hypocritical leaders who teach the followers such false belief and such followers in the Hereafter is explained in verses 2: 165-167. These true disbelievers mentioned in the verses 4: 150-151 even though are uttering with their tongues the verses 114: 1-3 which glorifies Allah as ‘the Lord of mankind, the King of mankind, and the Deity of mankind’, they don’t approve it with their heart and in their practical life. They are in a false illusion that they are the Muslims and the inmates of Paradise, and the other people belonging to Messenger’s community such as Jains, Budhas, Hindus, Jews, Christians, etc. are the disbelievers and the inmates of Hellfire. By the second coming of Jesus, he will kill Antichrist and then the other people belonging to Messenger’s community will approve Islam, and will kill these Mujirims implementing the command of the verses 4: 91; 5: 33; 9: 5, 123; and 33: 60-61. Then only these worthless people will approve the fact that not Arabic Qur’an, but Adhikr-Dhikree-was Lord’s Book. See explanation 9: 31; 39: 67; and 43: 82-86.