Or are they intending for any plot? Then those who believed are plotting against themselves.
The disbelievers-the Arabic Qur’an Reading Fujjar-who are the servants of Satan will devise any type of plot in order to obstruct the propagation of Adhikr. But as explained in verse 6: 26, they do not recognise that they are plotting against themselves. Since they have to abide in the Hellfire eternally by bearing the evil burden for destroying the universe as explained in verse 20: 100-101, they should have tried to postpone the end of the universe. Then only they could be able to enjoy this temporary worldly life for maximum. The believers who are the vicegerents of Impartial Lord only try to postpone the end of the universe by propagating Adhikr to entire mankind. For it they won’t expect any benefit or respect or gratitude in return. Moreover, they won’t fear the dissatisfaction, hatred, or evil plotting of the disbelievers who are the servants of Satan. See explanation 9: 32-33; 35: 10-11; and 86: 15-17.