The example of the Paradise which is promised to the heedful, in it there are rivers from water without impurity, and the rivers from milk the taste of which won’t be changed, and the rivers from the liquor tasteful for the drinkers, and the rivers from pure honey, and they have in it from every fruit, and the forgiveness from their Lord; then, is such a one just like who will be eternal in the hell, and will be drunk from the boiling water that will cut their guts?
In one Paradise itself which is so wide as that of heavens and earth, there are at least three rivers of each water, milk, liquor, and pure honey, thus at least total twelve rivers. This is what promised to the heedful believers who testify Adhikr as It should be testified. It is told in verses 37: 62-68; and 44: 43-50 that the Fujjar-Kuffar-whose ledger is in Sijjeen of the hell will be eaten and drunk in the hell from the ‘Zakhoom tree’, boiling water, and pus from wounds, with which their gut will be cut. As told in verse 4: 56, when the skins of disbelievers will be roasted and melted in the fire, it will be substituted with new skins for enjoying their punishment in its complete form. See explanation 3: 133-136; 38: 28-29 and 57-58.