(46) Ahqaaf

With the name of Allah, the Impartial, the Compassionate.

(46) Ahqaaf

This Surah got the name Ahqaaf-the Sand hill-from the 21st verse which says about the warning the brother of Aad gave to his people. This Surah contains the verses revealed in the tenth year after Mohammed was selected as Messenger of Allah. It warns that whoever invokes anyone besides Allah, he won’t get any response till the Day of Judgement, while on the Day when all will be summoned for the Judgement, they will be enemies mutually. It is told in this Surah that Adhikr-the Mercy-which testifies all previous books revealed from Lord should be considered as the Guide, and the wrongdoers should be warned with It, and It is the Glad tidings to the Muhsins who live under the Light of Adhikr. It is also warned that Allah won’t guide the wrong doers who hide Adhikr-the Great Witness. The prayer of the believers who have completed 40 years old is explained in this verse. The children who reject mockingly the warning given by the believing parents regarding the resurrection will be the losers in the Hereafter with the mankind and the Jinn passed before. Those who repudiate with the verses of Lord’s Book, their faculties of hearing, sight and intelligence won’t benefit to them in any case. Moreover, they will be affected with the happening of whatever they had been mocking at.
This Surah reminds the event about a group from Jinn (Sprite) coming to hear Lord’s Book from Messenger Muhammad, and they returning to their own people as warners. The scene the disbelievers presenting before the fire in the Hereafter, and asking them “is it true”, and they answering “Yes Our Lord! It is true” is explained. Then they will be told: You taste it for you were hiding the verses”. This Surah containing 35 verses ends with a question: “will it be destroyed except a transgressing people”.