(45) Jasiya

With the name of Allah, the Impartial, the Compassionate.

(45) Jasiya

This Surah got the name Jasiya-Kneeling-from the 28th verse which says ‘you can see every community kneeling’. This Surah containing 37 verses were revealed in the first of the middle period of Messenger’s Maccan life.
This Surah warns that it is not possible to become a believer by avoiding the Speech of Three Time Knower Lord, and also warns that after explaining Adhikr, whoever considers It as mockery will have severe, heinous and painful punishment. This Surah teaches that there is a sign for the mankind who meditate and reflect in subjecting for them everything in the sky, earth and in between them. It is told in this Surah that Adhikr is the Insight for the mankind, and is the Guidance and Mercy for the people having the confirmed belief. This Surah also teaches that the aim of creating the heavens and earth is to depute mankind in the earth in his fourth phase to undergo them for trial.
Whoever selected his whim and will as his deity, Lord Allah has made them strayed with His Knowledge, and such are the Mujirims who are following the conjectures, and they are not believing in the Day of Judgement. This Surah also warns that everything which each individual is doing is inscribed in the book of deed fastened upon everyone’s neck, and the reckoning of every individual will be done from the Hereafter by producing the book of deed. The disbelievers who selected the verses of Allah as play and amusement and are leading a life attracted and cheated by this worldly life will get the fire as an abode. This Surah also warns that about the consequence of whatever event the disbelievers have been mocking at, the same will be affected upon them. This Surah ends by declaring that all praises belong to the Lord of the heavens, earth and the whole worlds, who is having greatness in the heavens and earth, and who is the Exalted, and the Wise.