(44) Adukhan

With the name of Allah, the Impartial, the Compassionate.

(44) Adukhan

This Surah containing 59 verses got the name Adukhan-the smoke-from the tenth verse which says “you wait for a Day the sky covers with a clear smoke”. It is revealed in the middle period of Messenger’s Maccan life. Allah, the Lord of the universe, sent down the Book Adhikr which is the Mercy and the Criterion to distinguish each and everything wisely in the blessed night so that mankind may have confirmed belief regarding all matters. This Surah warns that those who do not utilise Adhikr after receiving, Allah will take revenge upon them on the Day of Judgement. It reminds that for making drown in the sea the cruel and transgressor Pharoa and his troops, no one in the heavens and sky have cried; and warns that to such Mujirims, no one will be there to help on the Day of Judgement. This Surah warns that it will be told to the hypocritical disbelievers on the Day of Judgement that ‘since you were leading a life pretending as noble without utilising Adhikr in your worldly life, you taste from the Zakhoom tree and the boiling water. This Surah also explains the blessings and comforts the heedful who testify Adhikr will get in the Paradise. This Surah containing 59 verses end reminding and commanding to remind others in their heart’s language that each individual should safeguard himself from the Hades.