(43) Zukhuruf

With the name of Allah, the Impartial, the Compassionate.

(43) Zukhuruf

This Surah containing 89 verses got the name Zukhuruf-Gemstone-from the verses 33-35 which say that the houses, doors, the ceilings of houses, coats, staircases, etc. of disbelievers would have been made with silver and gemstone. This Sura containing 89 verses was revealed during the middle of Messenger’s Maccan life. The verse of this Surah criticises the foolish beliefs, customs and practises the disbelievers have in all periods which is against the teaching of Lord’s Book Adhikr. The verses of this Surah teach the prayer on travelling in the vehicle. The disbelievers of all periods have been rejecting Adhikr claiming that we are following our fore fathers way without any mistake. This Surah reminds the believers that Adhikr is the Best than whatever the disbelievers have been gathering in this world. It reminds that in every period, the Impartial Lord has given sustenance more to the disbelievers than the believers. It also warns the evil consequences of not transforming the Jinn soul mate in to believer with Adhikr, and of not propagating Adhikr to entire mankind. 

It is mentioned about the second coming of Jesus as the sign of the Dooms Day. Just like all Messengers, Messenger Jesus also has taught that “indeed Allah is the Lord of me and you; so you serve him alone”, and whoever accepts Jesus as the son of Lord, such are the strayed. It is also warned about the pathetic condition of Mujirims-Fujjar-wailing from the hell calling the angel Malik “let your Lord finish our life”. It also teaches that the only Deity in the heaven and earth is Allah, and the Three Time Knower Allah is glorious above all the disbelievers are ascribing. This Surah warns that no intercession to anyone will be beneficial near Allah except to those who became believer with Adhikr and witness a life under the Light of It, and also commands the believers to abstain the foolish Fujjar who argue and expect that the intercession of saint people will be beneficial to them in the Hereafter.