(42) Ashoora

With the name of Allah, the Impartial, the Compassionate.

(42) Ashoora

This Surath got the name ‘Ashoora’-Mutual Consultation-from the verse 38 which says ‘the believers make mutual consultation in between them regarding their matters’. This Suratrh was revealed during the middle of Messenger’s Maccan period.
This Surath teaches that Islam which is the only way of life Allah satisfied for his entire creatures has been made law to all mankind in all periods through the Messengers such as Noah, Ibrahim, Moses, Jesus and Muhammed. But those who received the Lord’s Book have been disintegrated and accepted different ways of life apart from the way the Lord’s Book submits due to envy among them; and if Allah had intended, He would have retained them in single community. So whoever lives holding fast Adhikr-the Mercy of Lord-and clears all his doubts utilising Adhikr which explains each and everything, such are only guided and are in the Straightpath. Those who do not believe in the Day of Judgement in which the scale of reckoning will be Adhikr, such are hastening for that Dooms Day and they are in manifest astray. If the heedful are leading a life in the awareness that this worldly life is the cultivating land for the Hereafter, the wrongdoers are hiding Adhikr (the Food, Cloth and Sight of Human Soul) after receiving It and are leading a life ignoring the dos and don’ts of It, and so they will get the hell even though they aren’t earning it purposefully. Allah erases the sins of believers who live here seeing Allah who knows the status of chests. This Surath teaches that there are living things in other planets also, and that human are affected with disaster due to the consequences of his own deeds. This Surath warns about the pathetic condition that will affect the wrong doing disbelievers in the Hereafter who don’t respond to the call of Lord Allah, and also explains the character and the conduct of the believers who will be the victors in the Hereafter. This Surath containing 53 verses ends declaring that the original path of Allah, who is the Lord of the universe and to whom everyone will be returned, is the way which Adhikr submits.