(41) Fuswilath

With the name of Allah, the Impartial, the Compassionate.

(41) Fuswilath

This Surath got the name Fuswilath-Clearly Explained-from the third verse which says “the Book the verses of which is Clearly Explained”. This surath is also known as Haameem Sajada from the 37th verse in which prostration of recitation is mentioned. This Surath is revealed in the beginning of middle period of Messenger’s Meccan life.
It is told in verses of other Suraths of this Book that a lid is put in the hearts and ears of those who don’t believe in the Hereafter for not to understand the Book. But it is told in verse of this Surath that the disbelievers who are not ready to hear Adhikr are saying to the believer who makes them hear Adhikr that there is a lid on the hearts and ears of us, then you do in your way, while we will do in our ways. If it is told in other Surath of this Book that the heavens, earth and all that in between them are created within six days, it is told in this Surath separately that the earth is created within two days, all things and all events are created within two days, and the heavens are created within two days being an answer for those who are asking. This Surath explains about the demolition of the arrogant people of Aad and Thamood who were repudiating with the verses of Allah, and saving of the believers who were commanding the good and forbidding the evil with Adhikr. This Surath warns about the scene of witnessing the hearings, sights and skins of the disbelievers on the Day of Judgement against themselves. It also warns that the hypocritical disbelievers who prevent others from Adhikr by repudiating with the verses of Allah will get hell as the eternal abode, and also that those who are following and obeying them are also disbelievers. It is also told in this Surath that evils are to be prevented with the Best Adhikr, and Adhikr is the Splendid Book and who hide and reject It after receiving will have severe torment in the Hereafter.
Adhikr, the verses of which is clearly explained is the Guidance and Healing to the believers irrespective of any language, whereas the disbelievers are blind and deaf towards It just like they are called from the far place, and that those who are having doubt regarding Adhikr are the Mushriks who associate others in the dominion of Allah. It is the general habit of mankind that if they are bestowed with any favour from Allah, they will lead a life as standing on an edge, whereas if they are affected with any disaster, they will be involved in prolonged prayer. The verse of this Surath informs the fact that the predictions of Adhikr will come in force in this world itself till it is cleared to them that Adhikr is the Truth. This Surath containing 54 verses ends saying ‘Know that Allah is acquainted with all things’.