(40) Mu'amin

With the name of Allah, the Impartial, the Compassionate.

(40) Mu'amin

This Surath got the name “Believer-Mua’min” from the verse 28 which says that “a believer from Pharoa’s family told”. In the 3rd verse of this Surath it is told about Allah as “Forgiver of offences”, so this Surath has also the name “Forgiver-Gafir”. This Surath containing 85 verses is revealed in the middle of Messenger’s Maccan period together with Surath Zumar.
By pointing out the history of Pharoa, this Surath warns the disbelievers that the disbelieving and transgressing rulers who are plotting to eradicate the Truth will never succeed. The believer who lives serving Allah alone and declares that ‘My Lord is Allah alone’, he won’t be affected with any distress even though his enemies are how much powerful. Such believer is informed with glad tidings that he will be the victor both in this world and in the Hereafter. On the Day when each soul will be rewarded for what it has earned in the worldly life, the disbelievers who were ignoring and hating Adhikr from this world will say: We have identified our mistakes, so is there any way to go out from here to the worldly life. This Surath warns the scene about the hypocrites who hide Adhikr and their blind followers who reject Adhikr pleading to the guards of the fire-the angels-to pray to the Lord for reducing their punishment for a day, and they refusing their demand by asking: Didn’t the Messengers come to you explaining the verses of Lord.
The verse of this Surath warns that those who are repudiators regarding Adhikr have arrogance in their chest for what they can never achieve, and that such arrogant will surely enter in the hell. In every time Messengers were deputed with Proof Adhikr for not to have any excuse for the falsehood followers. But most of the people were not ready to change their customs and habits, and were firming proudly in their traditional ways and knowledge. This Surath ends by warning that the disbelievers in every period were ready to believe while seeing the Lord’s scourge, but it didn’t benefit to them, and there the disbelievers were lost.