(39) Zumar

With the name of Allah, the Impartial, the Compassionate.

(39) Zumar

In verse 71 of this Surah, it is stated that the disbelievers will be driven into Hell in crowds, and verse 73, it is mentioned that the heedful will be driven into Paradise in crowds. From this, the Surah got the name ‘Zumar-Crowds.’ It was revealed during the middle period of the Messenger’s Makkah life before the migration to Abyssinia (Ethiopia). The Messenger used to recite this Surah, containing 75 verses, every night. It teaches that the Lord’s Book is revealed to make mankind aware that they must serve Allah alone, Who is the Dictator and Who has no intercessor, mediator, son, or patron. The Lord is the One Who has created humans in the womb of the mother in three layers of darkness; and besides Him, they have no Deity, King, or Lord. This Surah also teaches that those who follow Adhikr in the best manner are endowed with intelligence, and they are the only ones guided; and that no bearer of burden will bear the burden of others.

Adhikr contains examples and similarities of every type, and without utilizing It, no one can be guided to the Straightpath. This Surah warns that everyone will taste death, and the disbelievers will argue before the Lord about their aimless life in this world. It also warns that the abode of hypocrites who hide Adhikr and their blind followers who reject It will be Hell. If they are ready to ransom whatever is on the earth and double of it, it won’t be accepted from them; moreover, whatever they have not reckoned will be revealed to them from Allah.

The believers who live here, testifying to Adhikr—the Light—will be rewarded according to their best deeds. Those who are endowed with intelligence have plenty of lessons in sleep and death if they utilize their intelligence. This Surah gives glad tidings to those who have wronged their souls that they need not despair since the Lord is oft-forgiving and merciful. Two conditions are provided for this: they must confess all their sins and offenses to their Lord, who knows the status of hearts, and they must live the rest of their lives following Adhikr in the best manner by submitting all their will and power to the Lord. All others who do not do so, at the time of death, the Lord will tell them that you received My verses, and you rejected them, you acted arrogantly, and you were among the disbelievers. This Surah mentions that Adhikr will be the scale of judgment in the Hereafter.