(38) Swaad

With the name of Allah, the Impartial, the Compassionate.

(38) Swaad

This Surath was named Swaad (Book explaining the historical Events) from the first verse. It is revealed during Messenger Muhammed’s Maccan period when he started public propagation of the Lord’s Message. The verses of this Surath warn that not only in the period of Messenger Muhammed, but also in every period the disbelievers disdained the Messenger and the Message he was sent with, which is why they all have to return to Hell (house of Satan).

This Surath explains the righteous deeds and characters of Messengers and Prophets such as Davud, Suleiman, Ayyoob, Ibrahim, Ishaque, Yahqoob, Ismael, Alyasa’a, and Dulkifli who were selected for His mission being a good lesson to those who want to get success both in this world and in the Hereafter. This Surath gives glad tidings for the forerunners who enter Paradise even without Trial that for them the doors of seven Heavens are kept open. It also explains the bliss and reward they have in that Paradise. It also warns the scene of assembling the ancestors and descendants who were rejecting Adhikr after It had come to them in Hell where they will be upset that they couldn’t see the believers whom they considered as darted away from Islam.

This is one of the seven Suraths which mention the events about Adam and Satan. A verse of this Surath warns that it is the Truth that the Lord will fill Hell with Satan and whoever follows him from among mankind. This Surath commands the Messenger and believers that for propagating Adhikr, any reward should not be received, and also commands not to include among the vainglory who doesn’t do what tells. This Surath containing 88 verses ends with a warning that the prophecy of the Lord’s Book will be implemented shortly in this world itself.