There should not be any difficulty to the Prophet in any matter that the Lord has imposed upon him, it is the practice of Lord Allah on those who have passed before, and the command of Allah is previously determined and is to be implemented.
It is taught by the Lord through His Messenger being the explanation of verse 4: 118 that in every thousand who have inherited Lord’s Book as told in verse 35: 32, 999 will go to Hell and only one will go to Paradise. So majority of the people of Messenger Muhammed will follow the footsteps of Satan as explained in verses 36: 59-62. Through this verse, the Messenger and believers who are one in a thousand have been commanded to follow the way of Adhikr which is the only straightpath from Lord Allah as explained in verse 6: 153. See explanation 12: 40; 17: 77; 35: 43.