(Isra) 17 : 1
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ سُبْحَانَ الَّذِي أَسْرَىٰ بِعَبْدِهِ لَيْلًا مِنَ الْمَسْجِدِ الْحَرَامِ إِلَى الْمَسْجِدِ الْأَقْصَى الَّذِي بَارَكْنَا حَوْلَهُ لِنُرِيَهُ مِنْ آيَاتِنَا ۚ إِنَّهُ هُوَ السَّمِيعُ الْبَصِيرُ

Glorious is the One Who made His servant travel bodily within a night from Mecca to Masjidul Aqsa, We have blessed its surroundings, to show him from some of Our Signs; indeed He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing.

Messenger Muhammad’s bodily journey from Mecca to Masjid Aqsa (Baithul Muqadhas) at Jerusalem within a night is called Isra (The Night Journey). Then Lord lifted Messenger bodily to Paradise passing through 7 Heavens for meeting with Him is called Mihraj (Ascending to Heavens). Lord made to happen Isra and Mihraj to show His Messenger some of His Signs.

In Arabic, ‘Jasad’ means body. One can only be a Lord’s servant when he has a body with a soul. So it is clear that Messenger Muhammad was ascended bodily to Paradise. Glorious Lord means: He originated and shaped the heaven and earth from one mass, He is capable of everything, He does what he intends, He is the Unquestionable, He is the Uncomparable, He is the Omniscient and Omnipotent, He is the Dictator, He is the First-there is nothing before Him, He is the Last-there is nothing after Him, He is the Topmost-there is nothing above Him, He is the Innermost-there is nothing without Him, He is the Acquainted Observer of everything.

It is told in verses 53: 1-12 about the first meeting of Angel Jibreel (in his true form) with Messenger Muhammed at Hira cave: “By the star which disappears, Your companion is not strayed, nor he is aimless, nor does he speak his whims. It is nothing except a revelation revealed to him, It is taught to him by one intense in strength and he appeared in his true form while he was in the higher part of the horizon. Then he descended and approached, and was at a distance of two bows or even nearer. And he revealed to Lord’s Servant what He has to be revealed. His mind didn’t lie what it saw. So are you disputing with the Messenger over what he saw?” Then in verses 81: 15-28: “So I swear by the retreating stars which come and disappear, and by the night that retreats, and by the dawn that breathes: Indeed It is a word of a Noble Messenger possessed of power and secure near the Owner of the Throne, obedient and trustworthy. And your companion is not Jinn affected. And he has already seen Jibreel in the clear horizon. And he is not a withholder the unseen. And It is not the word of the outcasted Satan. So where are you going? It is nothing except a Reminder to the entire world, and for whoever likes to stand firm in the Straightpath among you”.

It is told in verses 53: 13-18 about the second meeting of Angel Jibreel (in his true form) with Messenger at the utmost boundary of the universe: “Near that is the Paradise. When there covered the one which is to be covered, the sight didn’t blur, nor his mind transgress. Surely he saw the greatest signs of his Lord”.

On one night Angel Jibreel came to Messenger with the vehicle Buraq. Then they both traveled from Mecca to Majist Aqsa in Jerusalem. After performing prayer, they both ascended to Heaven.

When they reached the gate of first Heaven, the Gatekeeping Angels asked: “Who is there?” Jibreel replied it is him. They asked: “Who is with you?” Jibreel replied: “Muhammad”. They asked: “Was he deputed?, Jibreel replied: “Of course”. Then they welcomed Jibreel and Messenger. In the First-Heaven Muhammad met Prophet Adam and greeted him. Then Adam greeted back and prayed for the Best. Then Jibreel and Messenger ascended to the Second-Heaven. Upon reaching every gate, the gatekeeping Angels repeated the questions like the gatekeepers of First-Heaven. In Second-Heaven, Messenger greeted Messenger Jesus and Prophet Yahya, they also greeted back and prayed for the Best. Then upon reaching Third-Heaven, Messenger met Messenger Yoosuf, he witnessed in him the handsomeness of half of mankind. They both greeted and prayed for the Best. Then upon reaching Forth-Heaven, Messenger met Prophet Idrees and they did the same. Then upon reaching Fifth-Heaven, he met Prophet Haroon and in the Sixth-Heaven he met Messenger Moosa and did the same with them. Then upon entering the Seventh-Heaven, he met Messenger Ibrahim sitting near the Baithul Ma’moor (concentration point of the Seventh-Heaven). They both greeted and prayed for the Best. Every day, 70,000 Angels are entering Baithul Ma’moor and nobody is returning from It. Then Jibreel led Messenger to the Sidarathul Munthaha (the utmost boundary of the universe), then revealing his true form with 600 wings he said: “I am Jibreel, nobody among creatures except you has the Permission for entering furthermore from here”.

Then Messenger alone entered Paradise and greeted: “All greetings to Lord Allah, all prayers and wholesome things”. Lord replied: “Peace be upon you oh Prophet, Allah’s Mercy and His Blessings”. Then Messenger added: “Peace of Lord be upon us and the honorable servants”. Then Lord gave Messenger 2 Lights that are not given to any other 312 previous Messengers. The first one is Fathiha (Mother of the Book) and the last two verses, 2: 285 and 2: 286. Then He showed him the scenes and blessings of Paradise as well as scenes and torments of Hell. Then He fixed 50 times of prayer a day.

Then on his return, while he reached Sixth-Heaven, Moses asked what he was given. Upon answering 50 times prayers a day, Moses told that it will be impossible for Muhammad’s community and told him to get it reduced. Then Messenger ascended to Lord; Lord reduced it to 45 times prayer a day. Then again by reaching Moses and hearing that it will be impossible for his community, he went back to Lord for further reduction. And thus by repeating this for 9 times, it is fixed 5 times prayer a day. When Moses told: “It was 3 times prayer a day for my community, and that too was very difficult to them. So you ask for further reduction”.  Muhammed told to Moses that he is feeling shame for further reduction and denied to return to the Lord. Thus Lord fixed 5 times prayer a day for the last community which will be profitable as 50 times prayers a day.

As there is no group of believers anywhere in the world, there is no congressional prayer. So the odd-believer who testifies Adhikr should follow the prayer and lifestyle as explained in verses 7: 205-206. See explanation 4: 155-159; 7: 40 and 16: 110.