(Al-Kafiroon) 109 : 4
وَلَا أَنَا عَابِدٌ مَا عَبَدْتُمْ
And I will not serve whom you are serving
The believer should serve and live only for the Almighty Creator. He should say like this to the disbelievers: “I, the believer is in a conscious that the prayer and deeds will be accepted only from a believer; and one can become a believer with Adhikr- the Permission of Allah. But you disbelievers are doing deeds without Adhikr having the dilemma that you are a believer or not. But I am sure that I am a believer with Adhikr-the Rigid Truth. As per the verse 67:22 you disbelievers are walking prone on your faces, fearing everyone. But I, the believer who holdfast the unbroken Rope-Adhikr- is walking proudly upright”. See the explanation 2: 186; 3: 79-80 and 10:100.