(Al-Insan) 76 : 12
وَجَزَاهُمْ بِمَا صَبَرُوا جَنَّةً وَحَرِيرًا

Since they were patient; He will reward them the Paradise and Silks.

The believer and heedful will give preference to the hereafter than this life. Their character will be just opposite to that of the disbelievers as told the verse 16: 107. They are in a conscious that the men created from the Paradise are sent down to the Earth in order to testify them. The believer will consider Adhikr as the Ticket throughout their journey in this world and prepare Paradise here for the seventh stage as mentioned in the verse 32:19. They will have cloths of silks and precious garments there. Read together the verses 32: 24; 41: 34-35 and 75: 20-21 in Adhikr- the Ticket to the Paradise.