And each community has a deadline, so whenever their deadline comes, they can neither postpone it nor advance it for a moment.
Verse 10: 49 also ends as: "Each community has a deadline, so whenever their deadline comes they can neither postpone it nor advance it for a moment". Lord of the Universe has fixed a deadline for everything. And for each creature also He has fixed its food, drinking, duration of life and all like that. Mankind endowed with intelligence should be the vicegerent of the Lord in this world. But the Arabic Quran reading Fujjar who have made their food 'rejecting Adhikr' are not utilizing their intelligence. They are serving Satan without considering the soul and Hereafter. When the other people belonging to Messenger's community also become wrongdoers and transgressors just like the Fujjar, Doomsday will occur.
Today, Adhikr which is the Balance and Trust to keep the universe in its equilibrium is codified as the Splendid Book as told in verse 41: 41. The Impartial Lord doesn't destroy any nation or community, but He gives chance to the hypocrites and the Mujirims for being wicked in the country as explained in verse 6: 123. Thus the worst creatures Fujjar mentioned in verse 8: 22 will destroy the universe. Each group among Fujjar are destined to the seven doors of Hell as explained in verse 15: 44.
By considering Lord as Impartial, the believers should convey Adhikr to the whole mankind, especially to other people who are unaware of the Arabic Quran as explained in verses 2: 62 and 6: 89-90. Thus he can extend the dateline of the universe and get the reward of the glorification and praising done by thousand communities of the Lord’s creatures. See explanation 6: 2, 55, 133; 9: 51; 10: 47-49, and 61.