(Al-Hashr) 59 : 5
مَا قَطَعْتُمْ مِنْ لِينَةٍ أَوْ تَرَكْتُمُوهَا قَائِمَةً عَلَىٰ أُصُولِهَا فَبِإِذْنِ اللَّهِ وَلِيُخْزِيَ الْفَاسِقِينَ

Whatever you cut down from the tender date palm trees or left standing upon their roots, it was with the permission of Allah, and it was to disgrace the transgressors.

Islam teaches a code of conduct in warfare, which includes not destroying cultivation, fruit-bearing trees, buildings, or attacking the elderly, women, children, animals, and birds. This practice was taught to the believers by the Lord through His Messenger. However, when the blockade against Banu Nadir was prolonged, to drive them out of their fortresses, the believers cut down some tender date palm trees and some that were bearing clusters of fruits. Upon learning of this, the Messenger criticized their action. In response, Allah revealed this verse, stating that all these events occurred to disgrace the hypocritical transgressors, according to His decree as inscribed in the Book Adhikr, which is the Permission of Allah.

Today, the Fujjar, including the hypocrites who understand the meanings of the verses and their blind followers with diseased hearts filled with doubt, are at the forefront of mischievous activities worldwide. That is why, after the second coming of Jesus, the earth will be purified by eliminating these Fujjar through the hands of other people from the Messenger’s community who will accept Islam and implement the commands of verses 4:90-91, 5:33, 9:5, 9:123, and 33:60-61.

As explained in verse 8:39, war is only permitted when there exists a group of true believers, and it is sanctioned only until people have the freedom to live on earth by holding fast to Adhikr. Since verse 2:256 declares that there is no compulsion in religion, wars between nations are anti-Islamic. Thirty years after the departure of Messenger Muhammad, different organizations among the Arabic Quran readers, labeled as Muslims, became different factions of Satan, as explained in verse 58:19. Today, the odd believer is commanded to perform Jihad with Adhikr against the hypocrites and disbelievers who engage in mischief worldwide, as explained in verse 9:73. Moreover, Adhikr should be propagated among all of mankind to establish harmony and to delay the impending pole shift of the earth. See explanations of 9:67-68, 22:77-78, 33:60-61, and 35:14.