He is the One who drove out those who disbelieved among the People of the Book from their homes in the first gathering. You did not think they would leave, and they believed their fortresses would protect them from Allah. Then Allah came upon them in a way they did not expect, and He cast terror into their hearts. They destroyed their homes with their own hands and with the hands of the believers. So take a lesson, Oh you who are endowed with intelligence.
The People of the Book mentioned in the verse refers to Banu Nadir, a Jewish tribe that lived in Medina during the time of Messenger Muhammad. This tribe continuously violated the agreements made with the Messenger and even attempted to assassinate him through deception. As a result, the Messenger ordered them to vacate Medina within ten days. However, they defiantly ignored his order, believing their fortresses would protect them from Allah. In response, the Messenger and his companions besieged their fortresses, compelling them to destroy their own homes so that if they were forced to leave, their houses—built with great expectations—would not be useful to the believers. Eventually, they sought permission from the Messenger to migrate from Medina, taking their household belongings while leaving their weapons behind. They were granted permission to leave in the same manner as Banu Qaynuqa, who had been exiled earlier, carrying only what a camel could bear. This is the event referred to in the verse: “drove out those who disbelieved among the People of the Book from their homes in the first gathering.”
Since the believers live for Allah and serve Him alone, the verse describes the Messenger and his followers besieging the fortresses as: “Allah came to them in a way they did not expect, and He cast terror into their hearts.” See explanation of 8:17-19.
However, the Fujjar (wicked ones) who read these verses in Arabic in the Quran are engaged in terrorism, mischief, bloodshed, and the violation of contracts and pledges worldwide. Through their actions, the prophecy of the Messenger—“You will follow the Jews and Christians step by step, to the extent that if they were to creep into a lizard’s hole, you would also enter it”—has come true. Because of the corrupt nature of these Fujjar, they face humiliation and hatred worldwide. See explanations of 48:6, 24-25, 29; 57:16-19, 27; and 58:14-19.