And you shouldn’t be like those who forgot Allah, then they forgot themselves, such are the transgressors.
Those who hide and reject Adhikr after receiving It—despite it being taught to everyone from Paradise and serving as a reminder of Allah, His Messengers, Satan, themselves, and more—are the transgressors mentioned in verses 2:26, 2:99, 7:102, 9:67, 9:80-84, 32:18, and 57:16. Since these hypocritical transgressors conceal Adhikr, which is the Balance and Trust that maintains the universe’s equilibrium, the Food, Cloth, and Sight of the human soul, and the strongest weapon for establishing harmony among mankind, they will be cast into the lowest depths of Hell without Trial, bearing the evil burden of having contributed to the ruin of the universe, as explained in verses 20:99-101. See explanations of 32:13-14.