Haven’t you listened into those who are having Hypocrisy, they are saying to those who disbelieved among the people of the Book that surely if you are exiled, surely, we will also come out with you, and we won’t obey anyone ever in the case of you; and if you are fought, surely, we will help you, and Allah witnesses that indeed they are the liars.
This verse highlights the relationship between the hypocrites and the disbelievers among the Jews. Today, it refers to the different organizations of Fujjar (wicked ones) who recite the Arabic Quran but belong to Satan’s party, as mentioned in verse 58:19. They hide and reject Adhikr and refuse to join Allah’s party, as mentioned in verse 58:22. Their leaders are the hypocrites, while their followers are Mushriks who attribute partners to Allah’s dominion. They cooperate with evil and forbid what is good.
Verses 9:107 and 63:1 also conclude with: “Allah bears witness that they are indeed liars.” If any of these Fujjar die, neither the Messenger nor any believer is permitted to seek forgiveness or pray for them, as explained in verses 9:84-85 and 9:113. See explanations of 9:67-68, 57:13-16.