Haven’t you understood that indeed Allah knows whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth, no three persons are involved in confabulation except He is there as fourth, and five persons except He is there as sixth, and no less or more than it except He is there with them wherever they are, then He will notify them with whatever they did, indeed Allah knows with everything.
As explained in verses 13: 39; and 43: 4, the Three Time Knower Lord Allah has inscribed earlier in Adhikr-the Three Time Knowledge-whatever will happen in the universe. The fate of Fujjar is in ledger Sijjeen of the Hell as told in verse 83: 7. The soul of the Books given to all 313 Messengers is Adhikr. So the one in thousand believer will convert his Jinn soulmate in to believer with Adhikr as explained in verses 43: 36-39, and thus he will change his fate from the ledger Sijjeen of the hell in to the Illiyyeen at the Paradise mentioned in verse 83: 18. Since the Mujirim Fujjar are hiding and rejecting Adhikr-the Ticket to the Paradise, they are killed as explained in verse 80: 17; and for them the doors of sky won’t be opened, nor they will enter the Paradise until a camel can pass through a tailor’s needle as explained in verse 7: 40. Since Adhikr which is the Best Interpretation of Lord’s Book is codified today as a Book, the Fujjar who do not utilise It themselves, nor give It to other people belonging to Messenger’s community for utilising, will be dragged prone on their faces, such are in the worst place, and are the most strayed as explained in verses 25: 33-34. These Fujjar who are deaf, dumb and blind towards Adhikr won’t return to the Paradise as explained in verse 2: 18; and these deaf and blind who are not utilising the intelligence are the worst creatures among thousand communities of Lord’s creatures as explained in verse 8: 22. The believer who transformed his Jinn soulmate in to believer with Adhikr and thereby keeps Allah in his heart will only remember Allah in all his standings, sittings and laying as explained in verses 3: 190-191.
The Hypocrites who are doing plots against the believer, who utilises Adhikr as the Safeguard against all calamities, disasters, illness and Hellfire, and is becoming fore-runners in doing best deeds by propagating Adhikr-the Balance and Trust to keep the universe in its equilibrium-to entire mankind, they will be humiliated like Pharaoh, Haman, Qarun, etc. both in this world and in the Hereafter. See explanation 2: 62; 45: 28-31; and 57: 22.