Those who are doing ‘Dhihar’ from among you their wives, they do not become their mothers, indeed their mothers are none except those who gave them birth, indeed they are saying from words prohibited and falsehood, and Allah is the pardoning, the forgiving.
The word ‘Dhihar’ means pointing out, comparing, exampling, etc. In the ignorant period there existed a custom ‘Dhihar’. That is, husband by saying to his wife as ‘you are to me just like my mother’, he kept away his wife from doing sex without divorcing her’. Through this verse Allah gives verdict that it is prohibited as well as falsehood. But due to ignorance, if it happens from anyone, then after getting Knowledge if he seeks forgiveness to Allah for it, Allah will pardon it and forgive it to him. See explanation 4: 17-18; 25: 68-70; and 33: 4.
Those who are doing ‘Dhihar’ from among you their wives, they do not become their mothers, indeed their mothers are none except those who gave them birth, indeed they are saying from words prohibited and falsehood, and Allah is the pardoning, the forgiving.
The word ‘Dhihar’ means pointing out, comparing, exampling, etc. In the ignorant period there existed a custom ‘Dhihar’. That is, husband by saying to his wife as ‘you are to me just like my mother’, he kept away his wife from doing sex without divorcing her’. Through this verse Allah gives verdict that it is prohibited as well as falsehood. But due to ignorance, if it happens from anyone, then after getting Knowledge if he seeks forgiveness to Allah for it, Allah will pardon it and forgive it to him. See explanation 4: 17-18; 25: 68-70; and 33: 4.