He taught him the Explanation.
Since everyone is taught Adhikr which is the Criterion to distinguish the good and evil, everyone can identify the good and evil from this world. After the creation of body of mankind from the earth, mankind learns the Explanation of the Book which includes body of the Book, the life of the Book which is Its meaning, and the soul which is the quintessence of the Book. It is for teaching this, Lord Allah sends Messengers from among the mankind in different periods. It is the inevitable duty of the people of Messenger Muhammed who inherited Lord’s Book as explained in verse 35: 32 to witness the life of Adhikr among the other people. Since the Soul of everyone is from Allah, the Soul of everyone has also been given Adhikr which is the Knowledge of Lord Allah. See explanation 3: 138; 7: 52; 75: 14-19; and 91: 7-10.