(Ar-Rahman) 55 : 13
فَبِأَيِّ آلَاءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ

Then which of your Lord’s signs both of you are rejecting?

Here mentioned ‘both of you’ are the Fujjar among the mankind who are reading these verses in Arabic Qur’an, and the Jinn soulmate of them mentioned in the verses 43: 36-39; and 50: 27-29. ‘The signs’ mentioned in the verse includes Power, Mercy, Bounty, Exaltedness, Knowledge, Favour, Ability, Punishment, etc. This verse repeated in other places throughout this Surah compiles all these meaning alternatively. While hearing and reading this verse it should be answered by the soul “No any sign of you we are rejecting Oh the Lord of the worlds” as taught by the Lord through His Messenger. See explanation 3: 7; 6: 112; and 53: 55.