And the earth, He has set up it for the living beings.
Allah has ordained and arranged the earth with all facilities including food and all sustenance. The mankind who have been taught Adhikr and have been endowed with intelligence are commanded that they should behave with all living beings in that awareness. See explanation 87: 4. But the believers who are one in thousand preferring the soul and Hereafter only behave with the mankind and all living beings in that consciousness. The rest nine hundred and ninety nine out of every thousand are attracted in the bodily and worldly life, so that they are involved in mischievous activities causing to the destruction of thousand communities of Lord’s creatures. Thus the verses they saw, heard and touched will argue and witness against them, and will push them to the hell as explained in verse 9: 82. See explanation 41: 9-12; 50: 27-30; and 57: 19.