(At-twur) 52 : 34
فَلْيَأْتُوا بِحَدِيثٍ مِثْلِهِ إِنْ كَانُوا صَادِقِينَ

Then let them bring a Speech like this if they are so Truthful.

If the disbelievers have the argument that Lord’s Book is composed by the illiterate Muhammed, then through this verse it is challenged to the disbelieving people of Messenger who were literate to bring forth such a Book. Today, if the Fujjar including the hypocrites and Fajir have the argument that Adhikr-the Best Interpretation of Lord’s Book-is forged by any of Lord’s creatures, they are challenged to bring forth such a one. The hypocritical leaders of Fujjar who are priding that they are scholars in Arabic language, authors of ritual books, great orators who are speaking for remuneration, those who are priding as spiritual leaders without knowing what is soul, etc. can undertake this challenge. Today, since the Arabic Qur’an Reading Fujjar have forgotten the aim of life, in the verse 7: 176, they are compared to that of a dog which will never change its attitude whether it is attacked or not. Through the verse 8: 22, they are denoted as the worst creatures among thousand communities of Lord’s creatures since they are deaf, blind and dumb towards Adhikr. See explanation 2: 23-24; 42: 52; and 62: 2-3.