(Jasiya ) 45 : 4
وَفِي خَلْقِكُمْ وَمَا يَبُثُّ مِنْ دَابَّةٍ آيَاتٌ لِقَوْمٍ يُوقِنُونَ

And in the creation of you and in the scattered living beings, there are signs for the people who have confirmed belief.

As explained in verse 7: 172, the mankind created in the Paradise after taking covenant from everyone are sent down to earth kept in the nape of Aadam. Aadam-the first man-and Eve-the first woman-was sent down to the earth bodily in the rhythmic balance of the wind. The aim of deputing mankind to earth is to make them undergo for trial that who will identify the Lord, himself, the aim of life, who will transform his Jinn soul mate in to a believer, who will prepare Paradise here, etc. As explained in verse 36: 36, just like the mankind, the other living beings are also created as pairs. It is the Three Time Knower Lord who has scattered all of them in the earth. On the Day of Judgement, He will gather the mankind and Sprites (Jinn) who are endowed with intelligence, and all other living beings together for the trial, and whoever among mankind prepared the Paradise utilising Adhikr, he and his Jinn soul mate will inherit the Paradise, while those who do not prepare Paradise here after receiving the Lord’s Book will be sent to the hell. Those who didn’t get Lord’s Book will be sent to any other world than the Paradise or hell as explained in verse 2: 62. Those who testify the Adhikr which is the Three Time Knowledge and the Confirming Truth mentioned in verses 56: 95; and 69: 51 which reminds about all these will only become the confirmed believers as explained in verse 2: 2-4. See explanation 27: 82; and 45: 20.