(Zukhuruf) 43 : 39
وَلَنْ يَنْفَعَكُمُ الْيَوْمَ إِذْ ظَلَمْتُمْ أَنَّكُمْ فِي الْعَذَابِ مُشْتَرِكُونَ

And since you both were wrongdoers, you can’t benefit each other on the Day; indeed you both are partners in the punishment.

The Fujjar who are the original disbelievers and wrong doers as told in verses 4: 150-151; and 2: 254 respectively have read the verses 25: 27-29 in Arabic Qur’an which warn that the wrongdoers will wail biting their hands on the Day of Judgement as ‘woe to me! If I had not selected so and so as my intimate friend, surely he obstructed me from Adhikr after It came to me; Satan was a manifest enemy to mankind’. As explained in verse 2: 62, if the other people belonging to Messenger’s community who have not read these verses are doing righteous deeds by approving the Lord of Universe as the One and Single Deity, and by believing in the Day of Judgement, there shall be no fear upon them, and they won’t grieve. It is the duty of each human to transform his/her soul mate in to believer with Adhikr. The consequence of the wrongdoing Fujjar and their Jinn soul mates is that they should abide in the hellfire forever as warned through the verses 59: 16-17. See explanation 10: 17-18; 28: 48-50; and 34: 40-41.