(Fuswilath) 41 : 3
كِتَابٌ فُصِّلَتْ آيَاتُهُ قُرْآنًا عَرَبِيًّا لِقَوْمٍ يَعْلَمُونَ

A Book, the verses of It are clear, and read in Arabic for the people seeking the Knowledge.

It is told in verse 36: 69 that Adhikr-the Book for repeated reading-is a manifest reading. It is told in verse 21: 24 that the Book revealed to all 313 Messengers is Adhikr-the Truth and Proof; and in verses 16: 43-44 it is told that Adhikr revealed to Messenger Muhammed contains all 312 Books revealed to 312 Messengers and their upright explanations, and It is revealed to bring the mankind out of darkness into the Light as told in verse 14: 1. Arabic Qur’an is not clear and manifest reading, but Adhikr which is the Best Interpretation of Lord’s Book as explained in verses 25: 33-34, and which explains each and everything as explained in verse 16: 89 is very clear and manifest. It is told in verse 83: 7 that the Ledger of Arabic Qur’an reading Fujjar is in Sijjeen of the hell; and it is told in verses 83: 34 and 83: 36 that Fujjar are the Kuffar. These worst creatures mentioned in verse 8: 22 are to be dragged in to the hell prone on their faces and they are in the worst places and they are the most strayed as told in verses 17: 97-98 and 25: 33-34.