(Swaad) 38 : 8
أَأُنْزِلَ عَلَيْهِ الذِّكْرُ مِنْ بَيْنِنَا ۚ بَلْ هُمْ فِي شَكٍّ مِنْ ذِكْرِي ۖ بَلْ لَمَّا يَذُوقُوا عَذَابِ

Has Adhikr been revealed upon him among us, nay, they are in doubt about Dhikree, nay, they have not yet tasted the punishment.

This is the only verse in which the name ‘Adhikr’ and ‘Dhikree’ is mentioned for Soul of the Book. The same attitude that the literate disbelievers had towards illiterate Messenger Muhammed is today seen among the hypocritical disbelievers among the Fujjar towards the believer who testifies to Adhikr. They have read verses 18: 100-101 and 20: 124-127 which say that for those who have a lid on their eyes towards Dhikree (Adhikr) and who were not ready to hear It, Hell will be presented for them and will be summoned as blind in the Hereafter. Adhikr is more grasped by the illiterate than the literate especially in the case of the Arabic language as told in verse 62: 3. But to the human devil hypocrites who have only life without soul as told in verse 63: 3 can’t understand this fact. By hiding Adhikr which is the witness as told in verse 11: 17, they are welcoming the Antichrist (thirtieth pseudo-prophet). At first, they will accept the Antichrist as a prophet and later even as a lord. After the second coming of Jesus, the Antichrist will be killed by Jesus. Then all other people belonging to Messenger’s community such as Jains, Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, and Christians will accept Islam, and they will kill these worthless people Fujjar, and implement the command of verses 4: 91; 5: 33; 9: 5, 123, and 33: 60-61. At that time only these worst creatures will approve the Truth that not Arabic Quran, but Adhikr was the Lord’s Book as told in this verse. See explanation 15: 6, 9, 12; 42: 14, and 44.