(Swaad) 38 : 50
جَنَّاتِ عَدْنٍ مُفَتَّحَةً لَهُمُ الْأَبْوَابُ
Paradise of eternal blessings, for the doors of it are kept open.
For the forerunners who will go to Paradise even without Trial, the doors of the sky are kept open. As explained in verse 39: 73 for the heedful believers who will go to Paradise after trial, Messenger Muhammed has to come and open the door. For the hypocrites who will go to Hell even without Trial, and their blind followers Fajirs rejecting Adhikr who will enter Hell after trial, the doors of the heavens won’t be opened, and they won’t enter Paradise until a camel can pass through a tailor’s needle as explained in verse 7: 40. See explanation 7: 37; 13: 18-24; 35: 32.