And you remember and make remember about Our servant Ayyoob when he called his Lord: Indeed Satan has affected me with fatigue and punishment.
This is the prayer of Prophet Ayyoob in the first phase when he became sick. “Satan has affected me with fatigue and punishment” mentioned in verse means being a trial from Lord Allah, Ayyoob was affected by diseases and when his disease became serious, even his wife and children went away leaving him alone. After suffering about fifteen years of sickness as told in verse 21: 83, Prophet Ayyoob prayed as: “Indeed adversity has affected me, You are the Most Merciful among the merciful”.
The Arabic Quran reading Fujjar who are reading these verses are serving Satan and are following his footsteps as mentioned in verses 2: 168-169. Even though they are entitled to make a chance for all creatures to glorify and praise the Lord with their soul, they are involved in ruining the universe. Thus they are welcoming the thirtieth pseudo-prophet Antichrist and are producing bustards all over the world. See explanation 8: 22, 55, and 17: 62-64.