Whoever intends glory and honor, then to Allah belongs all glory and honor, into Him ascend the wholesome words, and the righteous deeds raise it; and those who are plotting evils, to them have severe punishment, and their plot will turn back upon themselves.
Whoever seeks glory and honor should seek them in Allah, as submitted by Adhikr. Wholesome words are the 6,236 verses of the Lord’s Book. It is stated in verses 98: 2-3 that Adhikr is the Book of purification, and within it are the straight Books that came before it. Adhikr is the Best Interpretation of the Lord’s Book, as mentioned in verse 25: 33. Only deeds based on Adhikr will be accepted by Allah in Paradise. As stated in verse 7: 40, the doors of the sky will not be opened to the Arabic Quran-reading Fujjar who hide and reject Adhikr, and they will not enter Paradise until a camel passes through the eye of a needle. This is how the Lord will reward the Mujirims. This verse warns that whoever plots against the believer who propagates Adhikr, which is the Balance and Trust to keep the universe in its equilibrium, the consequences of their plot will affect them from this world itself. Moreover, they will have severe punishment in the Hereafter. See explanation 2: 186; 3: 79; 14: 46.