(Ar-Room) 30 : 37
أَوَلَمْ يَرَوْا أَنَّ اللَّهَ يَبْسُطُ الرِّزْقَ لِمَنْ يَشَاءُ وَيَقْدِرُ ۚ إِنَّ فِي ذَٰلِكَ لَآيَاتٍ لِقَوْمٍ يُؤْمِنُونَ
Didn’t they see that indeed Lord Allah extends provision for whom He wishes and restricts? Indeed in those are signs for believing people.
The the one in a thousand believer who testifies Adhikr leads a life here benefitting to 1000 communities of Lord’s creatures as explained in verse 2: 62, whereas the nine hundred and ninety-ninewho reject Adhikr are leading a mischievous life here forgetting the Hereafter. See explanation 29: 62; 30: 25 and 28.