And of His signs is that He created you from dust; then you are scattered mankind.
Lord created the first man Adam from “sounding”, “adhesive” and “foul-smelling” black soil which is collected from different parts of the earth as a potter shaping the pot as told in verse 15: 26. Then the ‘Rooh’—Spirit (Life + soul) of the Creator was blown into the body as told in verses 15: 29 and 38: 72. Then Eve (Hawwa), the mate of Adam was created from the soul of Adam by a word from Lord “Be”, then she is. It is told in verse 49: 13: “Oh mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you nations and tribes so that you may recognize one another; indeed, the honor among you near Lord of Allah is heedful, indeed Allah is the Acquainted Knower”. See explanation 4: 1; 17: 1 and 22: 5.