And you believe with what I have sent down testifying what you already have with you, and you don’t be the first among those who hide It, and you don’t purchase My verses for a petty price if you heed Me alone.
Adhikr revealed to Messenger Muhammad contains all the previous three hundred and twelve Books and their upright Explanations as mentioned in verse 16: 44. It testifies and safeguards all the previous Books as mentioned in verse 5: 48. It is told in verse 3: 187: “You remember when Lord agreed with those who were given the Book that ‘You should explain It to mankind and shouldn’t hide It’, but they threw It away behind their backs and purchased a petty price for It, then what evil they are purchasing!” It is told in verse 2: 174 that indeed, those who are hiding what Lord has revealed in the Book and are purchasing with It petty price, they are not eating into their bellies except the Fire.
Today, the human devil hypocrites are knowingly hiding these verses and are leading their Mushirik followers into the Hellfire. The transgressing hypocrites will enter the bottom of the Fire even without Trial as told in verse 4: 145, whereas their blind followers will be led to Hell after Trial as told in verse 39: 71. The Fujjar are neither utilizing themselves the Wise Reminder Adhikr which is meant for the entire mankind, nor are giving It to other people, and thus they are ruining themselves, but they perceive it not as told in verse 6: 26. They are denoted as the worst creatures for being deaf and dumb towards Adhikr as told in verse 8: 22. See explanation 1: 7; 3: 10; 6: 89-90 and 9: 125.