Just like that, We send you as a Messenger to a community before it so many communities have passed on, to explain to them with What We revealed upon you, while they disbelieved in the Impartial. You say: "He is my Lord; there is no deity besides Him. I have entrusted Upon Him and unto Him will I turn".
The 313 Messengers from Noah to Muhammad have been sent with Adhikr-the Truth and Proof-to warn mankind that there is no deity except Allah and to serve Him alone as explained in verse 10: 35. Adhikr sent down to Messenger Muhammad contains all the 312 previous Books and their upright Explanations as explained in verse 10: 37. All Messengers, Prophets, and believers who testify Adhikr-the Mercy-will fall in prostration while they are being remembered about the Impartial Lord as told in verses 19: 58 and 25: 60.
The Arabic Quran reading Fujjar who will not do the single Prostration of Recitation are serving Satan as explained in verses 7: 205-206. These soulless and worthless Mujirims are performing prayer without becoming a believer with Adhikr, they are seeing sexual organs of opposite genders with their hearts as told in verse 38: 24. These Mujirims are deaf, dumb, and blind towards Adhikr, so they will never return to the Straightpath and Paradise as explained in verse 2: 18. See explanation 6: 102-103; 9: 129 and 10: 47.