Then there, every soul will be disclosed with what it did before, and they will be returned to Lord Allah, their Master, the Truth; and whatever they used to forge have strayed from them.
On the Day of Judgment, everyone will be given the ‘Recorded Book’ fastened upon his neck and will be told: “You read your Book, enough is you to reckon yourself” as explained in 1: 3 and 17: 13-14. The believer is aimful that every individual must prepare Paradise in this world to inherit It in the Hereafter as explained in verses 3: 136 and 7: 43. All other Arabic Qur’an reading Fujjar’s ledger is in Sijjeen as told in verse 83: 7. These aimless people will not change their fate from ledger Sijjeen of Hell into Illiyeen of Paradise by utilizing Adhikr—the Ticket. Thus, they earn Hell as explained in 3: 181-182 and 9: 31. These wrongdoers will wail on the Day of Judgment: “Woe to me! If I hadn’t selected so and so as my intimate friend, he strayed me from Adhikr after It had come to me, and Satan was a traitor to mankind” as explained in verse 2: 222. Any Fujjar and Kuffar if didn’t testify Adhikr—the Best Interpretation of Lord’s Book— he will be dragged prone on the faces into the Hell, such are in the worst place and they are the most strayed as explained in 25: 33-34. See the explanations6: 62; 7: 52-53; 9: 51 and 59.